- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I’m Wealthy because I remember LORD You have giveth me Power to get Wealth, that You may establish your covenant with me so I see the opportunities to get Wealth that Lord You have set before me and I take steps of Faith for my Wealth to manifest.
- Deuteronomy 8:18
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I’m Wealthy because I know the grace of You Lord Jesus Christ, that, though you were Rich, yet for my sake You became poor, that I through Your poverty would be Rich and have Abundance so I ask You Lord for Wisdom to get Wealth and see the opportunities You have placed in grasp.
- 2 Corinthians 8:9, James 1:5
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I’m Wealthy because Lord You told me to pray above all things that I Prosper and be in Health even as my soul Prospers
- 3 John 1:2
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I’m Wealthy because The Wealth of the sinner is laid up for the righteous and I am righteous in You Christ because I live by Faith and I receive the Wealth transfer into my righteous hands
- Proverbs 13:22
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I am Wealthy because I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ and all the silver and all gold belongs to You God and that’s my inheritance and Lord You supply all my need according to your riches in Glory.
- Romans 8:17, Haggai 2:8-9, Philippians 4:19
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I am Wealthy because Lord You are My Shepherd and I shall not want for any good thing, so I don’t want for Wealth and I don’t want for Health and all my need is met.
- Psalm 23:1, Philippians 4:19
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I am Wealthy because Father You didn’t spare Jesus but delivered Him up for me and You through Him freely give me all things so I live Wealthy and have abundance and I Thank You Lord for meeting my needs.
- Romans 8:32, Philippians 4:19
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I am Wealthy because Jesus You came that I might have life and have it more abundantly so I receive that life You came to give me and I live the more abundant and Wealthy life
- John 10:10
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I am Wealthy because Jesus as You are so am I in this world you’re Wealthy Jesus so I am Wealthy you’re Prosperous Jesus so I am Prosperous you’re rich Jesus so I am rich.
- 1 John 4:17
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I am Wealthy because I reverence You Lord and I delight in Your Word and my seed is mighty on the earth and the generation of the righteous is Blessed, and Wealth and Riches shall be in my house and my righteous endures forever
- Psalm 112:1-3
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I am Wealthy because Lord I obey and serve You and Lord You said I would spend my days Prosperity and my years in pleasures.
- Job 36:11
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I am Wealthy because Lord You said I would leave an inheritance to my children’s children and the Wealth of the sinner comes to me now
- Proverbs 13:22
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I am Wealthy because Abraham’s Blessings are mine and I am Blessed to be a Blessing, and I use my Wealth to Bless the Kingdom and others.
- Galatians 3:14
- Jesus You said all things are possible to them that believe and I believe I am Wealthy because Lord You have Blessed me with all Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly places so I believe I receive my Spiritual Blessings in the earth which makes me prosperous and Blessed to be a Blessing.
- Ephesians 1:3
Posted in Wealth Confessions